Overall, I enjoyed participating in the Bout of Books read-a-thon! I thought some of the challenges were great! I think I managed to do 3 or 4, which surpassed my goal of 2. I didn't quite meet my bookish goals.
I didn't get through my TBR pile, but in all fairness, I didn't initially include the book I was in the middle of at the start of the read-a-thon, which I did end up finishing. I got through about 1/3 of the Darkest Minds. I started off kinda slow, but picked up towards the end of the week. Next time I would pick smaller books (The Darkest Minds was not a good idea for a read-a-thon). I also didn't write any reviews for any of the books I read, but I plan on working on that this weekend. I had twitter for the first time ever, and really liked reading people's tweets about the read-a-thon, their challenge answers and seeing what everyone else was reading. Next time I hope to be able to participate in one of the twitter chats.
Sunday I finished reading Sloppy Firsts and read a little bit more of The Darkest Minds. I read until midnight.
Overall I completed 5 books (one was partly started) and read a total of 1511 pages! I'll take it!
Final Recap:
Day #1 (MONDAY) Recap:
Pages Read: 56 (sniff, sniff)
Total pages Read : 56
Books completed: 0
Day #2 (TUESDAY) Recap:
Pages Read : 454
Total pages Read: 510
Total Books completed: 2
Day #3 (WEDNESDAY) Recap:
Pages Read: 226
Total pages Read: 736
Total Books completed: 3
Day #4 (Thursday) Recap:
Pages Read: 113
Total Pages Read: 849
Total Books Completed: 3
Day #5 (Friday) Recap:
Pages Read: 112
Total Pages Read: 961
Total Books Completed: 3
Day #6 (Saturday) Recap:
Pages Read: 214
Total Pages Read: 1175
Total Books Completed: 4
Day #7 (Sunday) Recap:
Pages Read: 336
Total Pages Read: 1511
Total Books Completed: 5

Started but unfinished: