
January Recap

January Wrap-up!

The weather here in VA is freaking crazy. 15 degrees and snowing one day, 70 degrees the next, wind and rain storms another. What. The. Fudgenuggets. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE WINTER! NOW. Out of my system.
I've officially made it to the 3 month mark for my new job.  Which means I now have health insurance! WOOT.  The company went through a restructure on  Monday, so we're in readjustment mode.  BUT so far so good!

This month wasn't too shabby as far as reading goes. I read some greats and I read some duds.

Books read:
StolenThe Fault in Our StarsLips Touch: Three TimesThrone of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)
SplinteredThe Lover's DictionaryDragon NightOdd and the Frost GiantsObsidian (Lux, #1)
1. Stolen (Lucy Christopher) 3.5/5
2. The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) 5/5
3. Lips Touch:Three Times (Laini Taylor) 3/5
4. Throne of Glass (Sarah J. Maas) 4.5/5
5. Grave Mercy (Robin LaFevers) 4/5
6. Splintered (A.G.Howard) 3.75/5
7. The Lover's Dictionary (David Levithan) 4/5
8. Dragon Night (Stephanie Campbell)- FOR REVIEW 1/5
9. Odd and the Frost Giants (Neil Gaiman) 3/5
The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis1. Obsidian (Jennifer L. Armentrout) - I read up until page 228 so I'm counting this towards my total reads for 2013. WHAT. 2/5
2. The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis (Sharon Ledwith)- This was supposed to be FOR REVIEW, but after 20% I just couldn't do it. I'm not going to force myself to finish a book in order to write a negative review.
Favorite Read
The Fault in Our Stars
Favorite Cover
Personal Challenge Update:
Series Catch-up: none
Off the TBR (owned prior to 1/1/13): 7/50
Classics: 0/5
Re-reads: 0/10
100 book challenge: 10/100
(Title is linked up)
Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2)
Obsidian (Lux, #1)
WELL I think that takes care of January.  The plan is to start posting more reviews. And so I do vow.
Bring it on February!

1 comment:

  1. Wow 10 books plus another that you DNFed! My problem isn't posting the reviews, it's making the time to read more books. I'll be super happy if I read 5 in February, forget 10!
